Thursday, June 14, 2012

Why is it my main form of transportation seems to be the crazy train?

One thing I learned when I was a cop is you never take sides in a domestic dispute.  That rule becomes fuzzy when it concerns family and love ‘em or hate ‘em in-laws are by legal definition “Family”.

My sister-in-law and her whacked out hubby have been playing this silly game their entire marriage. It’s the age old game of  “I HATE YOU, GET OUT” “I’m sorry baby, come back” that in the end has no winners, only losers.  When I first got the call I was in my car and on the way to rescue my sister-in-law. The proverbial Knight in Shining Armor, riding up in a steed of metal to save the day.  Well after a dozen or so of these little ventures my response time had slipped to the point of just ignoring the situation for the most part.  I knew better than to believe that this situation would be any different than any other domestic issue but it took me years to relearn this rookie lesson. 

This last phone call was different.  It was one of those seemingly routine rants about him pulling his crap that I had become immune to but suddenly I got that feeling. The feeling you get when you just know something bad is going to happen. A pending doom if you will. Seems Jack Ass has been on psych meds for a while and had decided he was fine to just stop taking them.  Seems a lot was going on that I was not aware of.

Note to anyone still in the dating scene. If your possible future spouse relies on medication to remain sane may I suggest something?  Go to Payless and find a nice pair of running shoes and put them to work. Run. Run far, run fast, run long. I don’t care how you run but for Gods sake run.

Due to stupid decisions when she was a teen my sister-in-law can no longer own firearms or ammo.  Her stupid ass hubby got himself in trouble but took all the cash they had and managed to get his knocked down so he can. Now in all fairness the sister-in-law could have done the same but since he took her money that was to pay fines her case snowballed and she was found in contempt. So now she and her kids live in a house with a nut job off his meds and is heavily armed with weapons she cannot be around.  He used that as one of many ways to keep her in line. He would tell her that he would call the cops and tell them she had a gun and they would take her away unless she agreed to basically be her slave.  As much as my in-laws piss me off I cannot allow that to continue but until I was made aware of the situation it did.

The call came from my niece.  Still to young for a cell phone in my opinion but when I saw the number I had assumed she butt dialed.  I soon discovered why she was given a phone by her mom. She was her emergency operator directed to call me or 911 upon impending insanity and chaos.  What started off as another crazy spell and him taking off turned into a “GTFO of my house” followed by “We would be better off if you killed yourself” and was ending with his insistences that she went with him to some property they had bought way out in the boonies.  She refused and he went even more nuts. The cops show up and he goes into victim mode.  She’s causing all the turmoil and he is just trying to get alone. She and her family are just vindictive (OK, that part he may have them on) and all he wants is her gone.  One of the cops looks at him and said “Get real, I know how many domestics we have been called out her for”.  The brother-in-law just shut up at that point. The cops then told them both they are not to remove the children’s toys and they could take clothing and HBA items. My sister-in-law grabbed the kids and came out to our house. 

Once we got everyone calmed down all seemed OK. Then the text messages started.  This is where I discovered just how nuts this guy was.  My sister-in-law was saving her money so she could get a place to stay but it had been hard.  She was only allowed to shop for food that was on his list and it didn’t include anything for her and little for the kids.  If they wanted something she would need to pay for it. He also stopped paying the rent and other bills. Where that money went is anyone’s guess.  She was smart enough to take out half of their money though. Once he discovered that he was livid.  He accused her of stealing his money. She informed him that it is their money and she took half.  “As a matter of fact, I left you with $28 more that I took so you owe me $14” she told him. Well now it seems like she is ready to move on with her life and get the kids out of that mess.

There is one big problem with someone coming out of a marriage where every aspect of their lives had been controlled since they were a teenager.  They cannot make any decisions at all.  I asked, “So what have you got planned?”  Nothing planned.  “So where are you moving to?”  Not a clue.  Well this was gonna be fun I thought. Just then Nana spoke up.  She had all the answers and they were all stupid ones.  I called her out on them and informed her just how stupid they were. Odd how that didn’t go over well.  We all decided to go to sleep as we would have to go get her stuff the following morning.  Ass Hole Hubby should be at work so it should go easy……………………………Yea, you know better than that by now.

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