Thursday, November 12, 2015

Time to catch up.

 My daughter's boyfriend returned from a school trip yesterday. He was gone

 for 4 days and upon his arrival home he made several discoveries.

 Apparently his brother had spent the weekend playing his Xbox and broke

 several of his discs and scratched some of the others. His little sister

 moved into his room the night he left and wet in his bed. She also wanted

 to have their 2 new puppies spend the night with her but forgot to let them

 out when she went to school. So he comes home to the Xbox he paid for in his brother's room
broken and a room filled with pee and poop. What did his loving dad say? "Them chores

 didn't do themselves while you were having fun." So he spends the rest of

 Sunday evening doing chores, cleaning the crap out of his room and washing

 his sheets. As my daughter tells me about her boyfriend’s woes I stop her

 for a moment. "Think about what you are saying." She looked at me

 puzzled. "Replace your boyfriend with your mom and me with you" I told

 her. She thought for a second and I could see that little light begin to

 glow. "There are many things in life we have no control over but picking

 our in-laws is one that you can and if Nana and her brood have taught us

 anything it is that picking the right in-laws is very, very important."

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