Thursday, November 12, 2015

So the story came to me in bits but from what I gathered the brother-in-law and 2 friends were out driving and went off the road and wrecked. I was told the truck landed on the roof and the cab was under water. The driver trapped, my brother-in-law risked life and limb to get him out and save him. Then the details began to fill in. They had finished off a case of beer (driver claims he didn't drink) and said to themselves "Hey, I wonder if we can go up that hill?" Well the answer to that question was NO! After sliding back a bit the truck went sideways then began flipping. The B-I-L called mommy and she took him to the hospital where they determined that he was positive for manic stupidity. The other 2 stooges decided to walk home and go to bed. Odd how the driver didn't want to get checked out. As for the saving of the driver drowning in water........................It was about enough to get the armrest wet.

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