So the Pa-n-Law is now sportin’ a ’99 Mustang on my dime.
But it’s O.K because it is just until he gets a new car after all. I mean if you had a free car with no need to pay the insurance on it wouldn’t you rush to find one that requires payments and insurance out of your own pocket?
Yea, me neither.
Now the car isn’t new. It is in good shape mechanically but we had a hail storm that totaled it out and after I bought it back from the insurance company I had very little into it. A new back window and the magnus lift dimples courtesy of the hail and she was back on the road. Since I knew I would never get it back and if I did it would be trashed I told him he could have it for what I paid the insurance company plus the new rear glass, $1,500. He said O.K. but it would take several weeks before he could get the cash together.
We skip ahead in my little story and stick with the Mustang saga. Don’t worry, I will come back.
About a year later he got into a wreck in it. Still hadn’t paid me a dime for it and I was still paying the insurance. The wife called to tell me the news. She was crying and hard to understand but I got the part about he was hit and at the hospital. I tried to calm her down and ask the important questions like is the car O.K. and was it the other persons fault. Somehow that pissed her off. Seems I was showing too little concern for the welfare of him. I tried to assure her that I had no concern for him what so ever but if it was his fault then the other person can sue us as we are the owners and are the ones on the insurance. Come to find out that a little old lady pulled out in front of him and her insurance company was on the hook. A few days later I had the adjuster go to the father-in-laws work (he had finally lost the business and I will go into that lovely story later) to look at the damage. I’m not sure what words were exchanged but I had to call to find out not only how much the damage was but how long to get the check. Come to find out it was sent to the father-in-laws. I asked why and they said he told them to. I then had to ask the obvious. Why the hell do you listen to someone other than the policy holder? I own the car and pay the insurance. They didn’t have a viable answer but did tell me the check was in my name. So the wife calls her dad to find out what’s up. He says he just got the check and wanted to know how much of it we planned on keeping. WTF. I want all of it. Once again, it is MY CAR. That didn’t set well with him.” Well then I want the car fixed.” He said. I politely told him no and I will take my car back now. A few days later I see the car parked in town with a for sale sign in the window. $2,500 OBO. Now how the hell is he going to sell my car without my approval? Once again the wife calls him to find out what is going on. Seems he bought a newer Dodge truck and needs the cash to pay the taxes. After staring at the wife with my best “you can’t be serious” stare she said “let’s just give it to him and be done with it.” Now I’m all for helping family but this is beyond ridiculous. I decided though to take my loss and move on. I asked for one stipulation. If he ever shows up on my land I get to call the PoPo and have him hauled off to the pokey for trespassing. He hasn’t set foot here in quite a while. Victories large or small; take ‘em when you can.
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