Friday, April 15, 2011

Chapter 12: That truckin' bastard.

   In all fairness I knew he had a semi-truck and he used it sometimes to haul his equipment (bulldozers and the like) but he had sold it with everything else he owned except for a little Dodge truck. Using that vast fortune he put a down payment on three big rigs and three flats, all of which were now sitting proudly in my front yard. All that came to mind were Jeff Foxworthy’s “You might be a redneck” jokes. 

  If you have more semi trucks in your front yard than you have licensed drivers in your house, you might be a redneck.

   I looked at the wife and quietly mumbled obscenities under my breath. Then the father-in-law gets out of the truck with a big grin on his face. So proud to be the owner of his own trucking company. I told him I’m giving it 6 month to a year, then he’s watchin’ the repo man haul his life away. He seamed more optimistic about the whole thing. He even bought a 40' camper to use as an office/home for Nana. I thought I might be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I may have a gaggle of trucks in the front yard but Nana now has a job and a new home. Halleluiah.

   I never noticed the new 50 amp outlet that was placed on the side of my house where the gravel ended. That was where the trailer was getting plugged into about an hour later. In one day I went from a little track of land in a country subdivision to a trailer park truck stop (no offense to anyone living in a trailer park truck stop). 

How could this day get any worse. 

Why do I keep saying that knowing good and well that it would.

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