O.K. Where were we? Oh yea, the brother-in-law has moved out and I’m back to the troll under the stairs.
Things were going great. She would eat my food, use my electricity and waste my water and out of it I got to listen to a soothing hum of discontent and enjoy the company of a curmudgeon. Time went on and things stayed the same for a couple of months, then one day the mother-in-law made an announcement. She was going into business with the father-in-law (they were divorced and he remarried, but that never seemed to matter much) as he changed careers. I felt so happy for them as times were tough since he unfortunately got his ass fired for being a dumb-ass without a permit. He did have a good side business excavating and digging basements and all of his equipment was paid for. Hell, he even brought in several loads of gravel and made my driveway big enough to park a semi or two. I tried to give helpful advice by telling him to stick with what he knows and don’t go into debt while venturing into a new foray. Apparently I was to dim-witted to understand not only the complexity involved in reaching this decision but how easy it will be for him to make his fortune. I said fine but when you fail, and fail you will, you ain’t moving into my house (I’ve gotten quite good at standing my ground ;-). I still wasn’t sure what his new endeavor was as I didn’t pay to much attention to their ramblings from that point on. I mean why should I, it didn’t involve me at all.
A few days later the wife said her dad was going to park his truck at our house for a little bit. I didn’t mind this as we had lots of land and his truck wouldn’t take up much space. That’s when I discovered my father-in-laws new business. A trucking company. Suddenly the gravel in the driveway made sense.
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