Thursday, November 12, 2015

OK, it’s been a while. Since Nana moved a few years back most of the drama has moved with her.

 Crack Whore Betty was pregnant with twins but lost them. She did the whole donate money to me thing and then she was carrying around a box with some baby stuff in it for a while. When people would ask her “What’s in the box” she would say “My babies.” Yea, she’s that creepy. Right after she got home from the hospital she started bleeding.* The BIL drove her to the local hospital and CWB and her mom were cussing him out for not taking the hour drive to the big city hospital. The doctor said she wouldn’t have made it that long and just did get to their hospital in time. That didn’t matter to nut job and her mom; the BIL was still at fault for something. I blame him for not listening to them; or for not stopping to get a soda or something.

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