Sorry for the lag in blogging. It's been a busy summer. Let's see, where was I?
I’m not sure but I think my in-laws can smell cash. It wasn’t long before they were both sniffing around for their cut of the loot. I tried my best to explain that this money was already set aside for damages caused by the trucks/trailers. They just looked at me with a blank stare.“So how much are you keeping?” I was asked.“Uh, all of it.” That didn’t go over well. They stopped talking to me and turned towards the wife in an attempt to find sympathy for their cause. The mother-in-law began to berate me and was livid that I would get money from their trailers. I had to interrupt and inform her that they were never hers and the father-in-law gave up all rights to them when they went back to the bank. They were left in my yard and I did all the work to get them out of here. It was also my yard that needed fixing. They stormed off and continue to this day to mumble incoherently under their breath about me. But that’s O.K.‘Cause I finally got the business out of my life, the father-in-law out of my life, the brother-in-law out of my life and as soon as I can find some rich moron to marry the mother-in-law I’ll move into their mansion and mooch off them for a while but hey, with only the mother-in-law left in my basement how bad could it get?
Yea, I know.